Opening hours 開放時間
Tue to Sun 10 am – 5 pm Closed on Monday except public holidays
星期二至周日上午10時–下午5時 逢星期一休息 (公眾假期除外)
This is a private farm, group visitors must contact Joey Ng in advance 6692 2671.
Visit coupon : $30 (adult/child)
Only holders of a “Zen Organic Farm" visit coupon are allowed entry to the farm. The coupon may be exchanged for drinks and our organic produce with value of $30 on the day of entry.
No cash refund.
In case of disputes, Zen Organic Farm reserves the right of final decision.
農場範圍為私人地方,有意參觀的團體必須預約,請致電 Joey 吳小姐 6692 2671
Public transportation 交通
From MTR Fanling Station Exit C take minibus number 52K to Ping Che terminus, then a 20-minute stroll by following our signposts. You may consider hiring a taxi from Fanling Station to our farm, it costs about $60.
只要到粉嶺火車站C出口, 搭52K小巴去坪輋,到總站避雨停落車, 然後跟着我們的路標步行大約20分鐘即到達農場。又或從粉嶺火車站乘坐的士直達農場,車費約60元。
Visit 參觀農場
Please note greenhouses are restricted areas. Fresh farm produce for sale.
Workshops 工作坊
We are happy to organize workshops and educational programmes for schools and group visitors, with a 45-minute guided tour of the farm including greenhouses, introduction to organic farming and seasonal vegetables.
*Please arrange your tour in advance.
*Tue to Sun, morning/afternoon section and full-day workshops.
*星期二至周日 上午/下午/一日工作坊
除田園樂工作坊外,還可以安排燒烤,也有西式烤乳豬($880由專人指導協助),都必須先行預約。另外,也可自行參加,冬季採摘士多啤梨($90/磅)、採摘粟米($20一支)、沙律菜($25/100g)、種植有機小盆裁($55)、Pizza DIY(12:30-15:00 直徑9吋 $150、$180)、自然派拓染手帕或小手袋($20、$55)工作坊等等,請先致電 Joey Ng 6692 2671查詢。
For more information joey@zeno.com.hk